Power BI Premium will soon also be released as a per-user license. Previously, it was only possible to buy Power BI Premium as dedicated capacity, which in principle has excluded small and medium-sized organizations from a lot of good functionality.
What are the good features that are made available then?
Too much to list them all here, but some favorites are Paginated Reports, AI and XMLA Endpoint connectivity which provide a lot of good and important features in a modern BI solution.
During the autumn, premium will be available for free, it is currently not known what it will cost after that. So the tip is to test the features as soon as they are made available to be able to evaluate if it is something for you – and if it is worth the extra cost. In any case, there will be a new level called Premium per user, which means that you do not need both Power BI Pro and Premium per user.
Read this article for more information
Sharing reports
One thing you need to keep track of is sharing reports. Simply put, Power BI Pro licenses are required to develop and share reports with both Premium User and Premium Per Capacity licenses. See the picture above.